Monday 12 April 2010

Just thought I'd introduce myself.
I'm Ava-Melody. I'm 15 and live in england. Im actually not english, Im persian. Theres a long boring story how i got to england that my dad still insists to constantly tell me that eventually leaves me to drool on the couch at the boredom of it all. I know attractive right?! i don't actually believe that my blog is going to get anywhere. just thought i'd give it a go. Plus im supposed to be doing revision right now but i get distracted easily. My parents aren't together, but I'm not that bothered as my dad lives in Dubai so its all good. Contrast to England i can tell you that! I'm a BIG fan of change. i love it. every so often i would change my look or decide to change my room around. If anyone actually has the loss to read this, you'd find out more about me later, IF i keep blogging. lets just see how this rolls out, oui?

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